Alternative Medicines - Naturopath to Spiritualism

Alternative Medicines

Alternative medicine or naturopathy is a therapeutic system that does not use drugs or therapy but applies natural forces such as light, air, water, etc.

Nature means not artificial, allow the body to heal itself by using natural methods. We are complex beings, functioning on physical, mental, and spiritual levels. The factors most strongly influencing our health are the eight natural remedies of fresh air, pure water, sunshine, natural food, rest, exercise, temperance (moderation), and spirituality.

There are various kinds of alternative or natural medicine that can heal every disease by using natural power and laws. 

1. General Exercise

2. Yoga

3. Pranayam

4. Acupressure

5. Acupuncture & Dry Needing

6. Sujok Therapy

7. Pyramid Therapy

8. Color Therapy

9. Cupping / Hijama

10. Reiki

11. Diet & Nutrition   

12. Magnet Healing

13. Auricology

14. Vaastu

15. Feng - Shui

16. Palmistry

17. Aroma

18. Bach Flower

19. Bio-Chemic

20. Crystal Healing 

21. Ultra Sound Therapy (UST)

22. Muscles Stimulation (MS)